We thought it would be interesting to start off the new year with a new civic hacking project. OC Alerts is a gamified crime visualization web app that shows current crime calls. Data is being pulled from the @OCSD_Bot twitter account (not affiliated with OCSD).
View the demo website here
View the code on GitHub
Project Goals
The goals for this project are simple:
- Learn a new framework
- Provide something civically engaging
- Create something open source, and see where others take it
Feel free to pull the project from GitHub!
Contributing To This Project
Civic hacking is an awesome way to learn coding, while providing value to your local community. If you're interested, here's how you can contribute to this project.
We're running Ubuntu 16.04.
You will need npm:
npm install npm@latest -g
You will also need vue-cli:
npm install -g @vue/cli
Finally, you will need to create a twitter developer account to get a set of public and private API keys. You can find more info here: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/basics/getting-started
Built With
- VueJS - The web framework used
- NodeJS - Server
- ExpressJS - Server framework
- MapBox - For the nice maps
- Twitter - Where we'll get our data
Learning The Basics
If you're new to the MEVN stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, VueJS, NodeJS), here is an excellence 3 part tutorial to get started:
Getting Started
Clone the project on GitHub. Follow the instructions listed in the GitHub repository to get started.
Connecting With Contributors
Please comment below to connect with others. Share what you'd like to see from this project, or share your creations. Connect with others for local, in person meetups.
Happy Coding!