Welcome to the very first meetup for OC Civic Coders! Grab your laptops and come out to build something great. Feel free to work individually or team up. Connect with others to learn and share knowledge.
1. New project ideas.
2. Share your experience levels and what you'd like to gain from the group.
3. For those working on a project, share your progress.
4. For those completing a project, share what you've created!
5. Open networking and collaboration time.
Tips for getting started:
- Work on something you're passionate about.
- Work on something practical. For beginners start of with a small project, and simple framework. For others, work on something with a reasonable enough scope to complete it. Look for existing data resources before starting a bunch of code work.
- Be prepared to learn. Whether you're just starting out, or using this as an opportunity to learn a new framework, anything can be achieved with google, patience, and coffee.
RSVP Here: https://www.meetup.com/OC-Civic-Coders/events/267756002/