Civic Projects Tracking where Covid-19 is in Orange County We're excited to be sharing our first OC Civic Coder's [] project to help easily visualize where Corona Virus is spreading in Orange County using data provided by the OC
Civic Projects OC Civic Coders Welcome to the very first meetup for OC Civic Coders! Grab your laptops and come out to build something great. Feel free to work individually or team up. Connect with others to learn
Civic Projects Visualizing Traffic Collisions in Los Angeles Starting 2020 of right with another civic hacking project. This time, we've thrown together an app that visualizes traffic collisions in Los Angeles. Each week there are about a thousand traffic collisions in
Civic Projects Testing Out Data-Driven Styling in Mapbox GL JS Mapbox GL JS is a powerful mapping API, that can create really nice data visualizations and styling. Their maps look really clean and do a nice job at communicating engaging information interactively. That
Civic Projects Ghost Bootstrap Starter Theme A super simple and minimal ghost starter theme using Bootstrap. Ghost is world's most popular modern open source publishing platform. This starter theme is developed to help organizations create customized blogs using Ghost and Bootstrap.
Civic Projects Spotlight on Therapists Beyond Borders Therapists Beyond Borders is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization on a mission to create a sustainable difference in communities that need therapy services abroad. Responsibility, Affordability, and Sustainability are at the core
Civic Projects OC Alerts: A Code for Orange County Project We thought it would be interesting to start off the new year with a new civic hacking project. OC Alerts is a gamified crime visualization web app that shows current crime calls. Data